North Florida

University of North Florida
As of May 3, 2024, all participants who began the PACT study at Hicks Hall with the University of North Florida (UNF) will finish their participation at a different site in Jacksonville that is associated with the University of Florida (UF). To get in touch with study staff, please email UFPACT904@jax.ufl.edu or call 904-244-9916. Staff can direct you to one of the two UF study locations in Jacksonville for your third-year study visit. Please use this link to find the location that is most convenient for you.
We appreciate your understanding with this site merger. Aside from location adjustments, your participation timeline in the study does not change. Please continue your planned training as assigned.
Your continued participation is important and valued. Thank you for joining our fight against Alzheimer’s disease!
Contact Us For
More Information
To volunteer for the PACT study, you may also fill out this form, including your phone number, and submit. We will call you as soon as possible.