Hillsborough County
PACT Research Study
We are located in the Cognitive Aging Lab, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, in the MDT building on the University of South Florida Tampa Campus.
University of South Florida
3515 E. Fletcher Avenue,
MDT 200
Tampa, Florida 33613
Polk County PACT
Research Study
*Parkway University Center
3647 Innovation Dr.
Lakeland, FL 33812
*Note: Formerly Reliance Medical Centers – Lakeland South Clinic
Pinellas County
PACT Research
Study Location
We are located on the USF St. Petersburg campus at:
USF St. Petersburg campus
140 7th Ave. S., DAV 130,
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Please park at:
641 1st St. S.,
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Contact Us For
More Information
To volunteer for the PACT study, you may also fill out this form, including your phone number, and submit. We will call you as soon as possible.